Jockimo Liquid Lava™
Liquid Lava™: Colorful Interactive Glass Tiles
Living Surfaces™ Liquid Lava™ glass panels are an innovative concept comprising of liquid trapped inside the panels. The lava panels are tough enough to be safely walked on and when force is applied, the liquid streams and whirls around your feet or hands. Inviting images of color and light create a feeling and atmosphere unequaled by any other flooring material beforehand. Select from a wide range of colors and shade blends from pale tones to the brightest reds and yellows. Custom shades and shapes are accessible on request. Our Living Surfaces™ Liquid Lava™ are patented products and have been featured on ABC Extreme Home Makeover, HGTV'd and Fine Living TV.
Advocate Lutheran General Hospital
The tiles are resilient, and when pressure is applied, the liquid within the tiles literally swirls around one's feet. Our product is THE ORIGINAL liquid filled product.....not a cheap knock off like others.
• Download our Liquid Lava™ Brochure.
Please click an image below to see installation photos of our Liquid Lava™ products.
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Cast Glass Project Showcase
Click on a project image below to learn more about Jockimo cast glass.