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Jockimo GhostGlass™

Ghost Glass RoomJockimo GhostGlass™

Our NEW GhostGlass™ textured glass is the first product of its kind - a textured fully glass product. Providing a subtle hint of texture, much like embossed paper, Ghost Glass™ provides a decorative solution unlike any glass product.

Providing the same level of high quality that our customs have come to expect from Jockimo, GhostGlass™ is ideal for interior panels, wall cladding, shower enclosures and any place where partially private glass is required - even glass flooring.

GhostGlass™ Styles

Rollover each image to see a "refocused" view. (Look at the pool balls in the back when you roll over.)

Jockimo Ghost Glass BarbellBarbellsJockimo Ghost Glass Circle TargetCircleJockimo Ghost Glass DropsDropsJockimo Ghost Glass HobokenHobokenJockimo Ghost Glass HoopsHoopsJockimo Ghost Glass OverlieOverlieJockimo Ghost Glass Overlie LargeOverlie Large
Jockimo Ghost Glass Palm SpringsPalm Springs
Jockimo Ghost Glass PindotPindotJockimo Ghost Glass SnakeskinSnakeskinJockimo Ghost Glass SteelplateSteelplate